You might be an email hoarder if…

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

The transference of information and documents through email is unarguably fast, efficient, and more environmentally friendly than using paper documentation. In terms of how we communicate ideas, email has become the go-to method for sending queries, making statements, and delivering responses. But for as many conveniences as email can afford us, there are an equal […]

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Some fast, cheap ways to help market your library during tough economic times

Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

During these tough financial times, it is more important than ever for your library to be visible and viewed as indispensable. Marketing and outreach are essential to keeping the importance of what librarians and libraries do in the forefront of people’s minds within your organization. Below are some helpful tips for getting the word out […]

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It’s a New Year: Time to remind patrons of the wonderful library resources and services available to them

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

It is a new year, and time to highlight once again all the wonderful library resources and services that your patrons may not be aware of. Perhaps you have gotten some new subscriptions, or are planning to launch a new service that you can announce.  You can also re-brand and re-package many of the services […]

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