By Marcus Durand on Friday, June, 14th, 2013 in . No Comments

CG developed a set of tools that enables a division level office at a mixed-ownership government corporation to effectively and efficiently operate its records and information management program. After initial planning was finalized, CG completed an information management assessment, data analysis, workflow analysis, and requirements definition. CG developed a number of deliverables in the areas of analysis and recommendations, communications and training, procedures and guidelines, and file plan development.
After performing the initial analysis, CG presented its findings along with detailed program development recommendations and a strategic program development roadmap.  In the area of communications and training, CG developed a RIM communications and training plan that outlined the roles and responsibilities for the program’s communications and training efforts along with the benefits of a good training effort, and a timeline to guide in that effort.  CG also delivered a basic records and information management training session before a live audience.  This session was recorded for future distribution to the division’s geographically dispersed workforce.  In the area of procedures and guidelines, CG developed media-neutral procedures that guide the uniform management of active and inactive records across all business units in the division, as well as procedures and guidelines that enable the division’s records liaison to conduct regular audits and compliance reviews.  CG also developed a file plan that provides guidance for the management of physical and electronic in all of the division’s business units, and links the retention to those records to the requirements approved by the corporation’s records and information management unit.